Helpful Resources
Water Resource and Water Rights Consultants
These consultants are current CLRMA members who may be able to assist with projects involving lake monitoring, modeling, regulations, water rights, and water resource management. CLRMA does not endorse any specific businesses.
Water Resource Consulting
Chris Holdren Lake Consulting (Chris Holdren)
Water Rights
Water Equipment and Devices
Colorado Recreation
Water Science
Lake Management Planning around Development
Colorado Lake and Reservoir Management Plan Guidance Document was produced to assist lake organizations, home owners associations, and other organizations that manage water resources in developing a comprehensive lake management plan.
Harmful Algal Blooms
CDPHE’s – Harmful Algal Blooms
CDPHE’s HABs Information
Algae Identification Resources
Rocky Mountain Lake Algae - good photos, mountain habitats
Easy identification of the most common Freshwater Algae (2006) by Sanet Janse van Vuuren et al - Based on South Africa but still surprisingly good source for here.
Aquatic Nuisance Species
Aquatic nuisance species (ANS) are non-native animals and plants that have no natural predators and outcompete native species, adversely impacting our natural resources. Learn more about ANS and boat inspections at Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s website.
CLEAN: Remove all plants, mud and animals from your boat, trailer, truck and other boating equipment (anchors, centerboards, rollers, axles, propellers, etc.) before leaving any water body. Be sure not to move plants, mud or any animals on waders or other fishing equipment. Biologists and Researchers must also take extra caution not to move plants, mud and animals on gear or equipment while working in the field by keeping all equipment clean and dry in between each use. Even moving an organism from one stretch of a river to another part of the same river can cause irreversible consequences for the ecosystem.
Clean your boat, gear and equipment that normally get wet with hot water (minimum temperature is 40°C or 140°F) and fully dry your boat and equipment in between each and every use to be sure that all organisms are killed and removed from the vessel. Adult zebra and quagga mussels are killed at 140°F on contact and other species are killed between 100-140°F.
DRAIN water from the motor, live well, bait well, bilge, ballast tanks, bladders and transom wells at the ramp or access before leaving any water body. Be sure your boat, including all compartments and equipment are fully dry in between each use and never move water from one water body to another.
DRY your boat and other boating equipment to kill harmful exotic animal species that were not visible at the boat launch. Be sure your vessel including all compartments are fully drained and dried in between each and every use.
LIVE BAIT: If you are fishing with live bait, be sure to empty your bait bucket in the garbage before leaving any water body. Never release live bait into a water body, or release aquatic animals from one water body into another.
AQUARIUM OWNERS & POND GARDENERS: Never release unwanted aquarium or backyard pond pets or plants into the wild. Many invasive species are escaped ornamental species or pets that were no longer wanted and were introduced into the wild. If you have animals or plants you no longer want, please dispose of them in the garbage or take them to your nearest Division of Wildlife office.
Timely and accurate identification is very important in dealing with invasive species. To help the Colorado Parks and Wildlife quickly identify new populations and prevent spread, report suspect or known ANS to here: https://cpw.state.co.us/aboutus/Pages/ISP-Report-Invader.aspx.